Getting ISO 45001 Certified in Tulsa, Oklahoma (OK)
Many organizations spend millions of dollars each year for compensations when staff members incur injuries or diseases related to workplace conditions. The death toll from unfavorable conditions at work keeps on rising from each year. To curb this, ISO 54001 was introduced.
This is an international standard for establishing occupational health and safety management system. With it, you can manage the working conditions that can pose threats to your staff and act before they become a real problem. The ISO 45001 standards also open doors to the global market. Hence, the only thing that you need to know is about certification.
What is the difference between implementation and certification?
Many people still get confused about what ISO 45001 implementation and certification are. These are two different things that we need to get right. You can implement ISO 45001 without certification while you cannot get certified for it without first implementing it. So, what is the difference? Implementation is basically following the specifications of ISO 45001 in establishing an occupational management system. After the implementation, then you can apply for certification. At this point, you will be audited for compliance and if you comply, a certificate is issued.

What is needed for ISO 45001 implementation?
There are just many things that you need to do to prepare your organization for certification. The bulk of this is done during implementation. Before you can call auditors for assessment and auditing, you need to have some of the things ready. These are the things that we are going to talk about in this section. Ensure that you prepare and have the following ready:
All processes implemented – An incomplete implementation of ISO 45001 standard will lead to automatic rejection of your certification process. So, your occupational health and safety management system should be complete and according to the requirements of this standard.
Operational OHSMS – it is a requirement that your occupational health and safety management system has been in operation for some time, usually not less than three months. Why is this one the case? Auditing for certification is done on the existing documents that cover all the processes of your OHSMS. Where will you get these documents if the system is still very new?
Processes auditing – One of the key things to ensure that you succeed in the certification process is to conduct internal auditing before the certification process. This will help you in identifying any possible areas that need correction and correct them.
Management review – Before applying for ISO 45001 certification, you need to conduct a management review to evaluate the effectiveness of your OHSMS. You should have done it at least once to ensure that the implementation was right.
Corrective action is taken – The auditors would like to see the steps you have taken to correct any nonconformities identified in the past.
Improvement demonstration – Experts from ISO Pros will also see how you have gone through the improvement process since the OHSMS has been in operation for over 3 months.